Join us & volunteer with us

By registering with SPHER International you can join with us in the humanity and human and environmental rights conversations and contributions. Otherwise, you can simply volunteer with us to reach the same goals.  

We accept all kinds of volunteering

Volunteering or volunteer work is something that a person does voluntarily and freely, motivated by a wish to contribute to community responsibility.  Volunteering could mean contributing in different ways; financially, physically, or even intellectually, given freely by the individual with satisfaction and conviction, driven by humanitarian, religious, or national motives. Volunteerism contributes to reflecting a positive image of the world in which we live and shows how the present-day world is developing and how it is civilized. In addition, it is to show how widespread the moral convictions of tolerance and dedication are. Volunteering is a form of civilized behavior that contributes to promoting the values of cooperation and compassion and spreading material and moral well-being. We in today’s world need this more than ever before.

The ways to help others in the best way

Types of volunteering with us

There are several types of volunteering that you might offer us, according to your skills and qualifications. We list here the following possibilities:

Simple volunteering

Undertake some small tasks, and accomplish them in a short period of time.  This may not require special training or skills. Volunteers offer 3-5 hours a week, for at least one to three months.

Virtual volunteering

Or what is known as e-volunteering, i.e. working with us by connecting to internet networks or applications, from home, school or the workplace. volunteers 3-5 hours a week, for at least one to three months.

Skills- based Volunteering

This is a type of Voluntary work based on your own skills. If you have a skill that the organization may need, don’t let us down.

Intellectual volunteering

To donate your time to write reports or engage in research related to human rights and the environment, or lead a workshop that educates people on issues with respect to the importance of political stability, human rights, and the environment. Such activities are most welcome.

Environmental volunteering

To work with us towards environmental management or conservation. Become involved in our range of activities including environmental monitoring, ecological restoration and educating others about the natural environment.

Financial volunteering

Or more precisely, financial donations. We gratefully accept all kinds of donations.

Undertake some small tasks, and accomplish them in a short period of time.  This may not require special training or skills. Volunteers offer 3-5 hours a week, for at least one to three months.

Or what is known as e-volunteering, i.e. working with us by connecting to internet networks or applications, from home, school or the workplace. volunteers 3-5 hours a week, for at least one to three months.

This is a type of Voluntary work based on your own skills. If you have a skill that the organization may need, don’t let us down.

To donate your time to write reports or engage in research related to human rights and the environment, or to lead a workshop that educates people on issues with respect to the importance of political stability, human rights and the environment. Such activities are most welcome.

To work with us towards environmental management or conservation. Become involved in our range of activities including environmental monitoring, ecological restoration and educating others about the natural environment.

Or more precisely, financial donations. We gratefully accept all kinds of donations.

What are you going to get as a volunteer at SPHER International?

  1. Meet new people
  2. Enhanced self-confidence.
  3. An exchange of cultures.
  4. Investment of your free time with us.
  5. Increased experiences or acquisition of new skills.
  6. Become a board member (in the case of a BIG money donation)
  7. Achieving special goals, such as participating in voluntary projects that are important to you.
  8. A formal letter of gratitude, and a certificate showing of the number of hours worked with us.

Why Join SPHER International?

  1. Impact, Witness the impact of your support in lives changing.
  2. Visibility, stand out and be noticed as an active member of your community
  3. Network, Networking is powerful. It is not just who you know its who others know!
  4. Credibility, the organization membership is resected worldwide
  5. Voice, we advocate on your behalf! Gain a say in what happens through our organization’s advocacy effort
  6. Growth, Quality training, Educational opportunity, Personal growth
  7. Discounts, you will get discounted rates for conferences and seminars organized by us

Membership fees



Trade Unions




up to 200 persons

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Click here to sign the code of ethics

00. نداء للمرأ السورية

  1. Peace initiative for Syria
  2. مبادرة من أجل السلام في سوريا
  3. النداء الثاني للمرأة السورية 2014
  4. كلمة عين على مأساة المهاحر
  5. نداء لوقف هلاك المهاجرين
  1. حماية البيئة في مواجهة العنف ضد الأقليات
  2. حقوق الإنسان والحوار الإنساني
  3. دنا السعادة 2016 DNA 
  4. تقرير التنبؤات السياسية 2020-2021
  5. مستقبل الطاقة الحرارية الجوفية وطاقة الهيدروجين في الوطن العربي

Join Us

Join Us

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Code of Ethics

SPHER International implemented this Code of Ethics to cultivate a culture of merit and integrity through its work as a Society, and with respect to professional actions connected with human and environmental rights. This Code of Ethic has been developed to guide SPHER Members and staff by including minimum standards of proficient ethical performance. Under SPHER International regulations, Members and staff must comply with this Code of Ethics as a requirement for joining and continuing their SPHER International Membership or work. In addition, this Code of Ethics applies to SPHER International Members, who are subject to the SPHER International regulations, and categorized as Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Members, or Affiliates. Therefore, SPHER member’s responsibility is to know and use to this Code of Ethics, but also to recognize that this code does not cover every ethical or legal expectation regarding their personal and professional conduct and work.

This Code of Ethic is necessary to earn the public’s trust and maintain confidence in human and environmental rights as important principles, thus it is imperative that members live up to the highest ethical standards in performing research, observation and investigations.

At SPHER International we expect Members to endorse an overarching culture of fairness and respect in all their professional activities. Therefore, we expect Members to adhere to ensuring the honour, dignity and integrity of their lifestyle and profession by complying with the following:

  • Demonstrate and maintain the highest standards of honesty in their intellectual and personal action at all times.
  • Ensure integrity and maturity and be responsible and accountable for their errors.
  • Present research findings and reports without deception or falsification of data, or ignoring relevant facts, and to acknowledge the contributions of others, to correctly cite authorship, and not to plagiarise the work of others.
  • Be honest and bias-free in reporting findings, modelling results, and acknowledging resources.
  • Differentiate observation and facts and from interpretations.
  • Proceed appropriately and expose real or apparent conflicts of interest.
  • Treat colleagues, clients, students, subordinates, employees, and the public with respect, courteousness, and cultural compassion.
  • Give full and proper credit to the creativity, ideas, contributions, and work performed by colleagues, subordinates, and students.
  • Invest their knowledge, beliefs and skills to improve understanding of human and environmental rights for the well-being of people, society, and the environment.
  • Promote a strong understanding of Human and environmental rights by other human rights and environmental rights groups, the general public, news media, social media, students, and policy makers through efficient communication and education.
  • Contribute to work recognizing the uncertainties and complexities of human and environment rights.
  • Accurately communicate issues of global human and environmental rights and rights and sustainability with clarity and accuracy to the public.
  • Record and archive data and data products using best practice in data management, and share data punctually for use by the human rights and environmental rights communities.
  • Ensure responsible guidance through a better understanding and interpretation of political stability and its effects on human and environmental rights.

Responsibilities for SPHER International Leadership at All Levels

SPHER International leaders, including directors, committee members, and Councillors have an enhanced responsibility to lead with integrity in all professional activities. They are expected to demonstrate the Code of Ethics and indorse an ethical culture by:

  • Delivering a professional and ethical outcome through their words and deeds.
  • Aspiring to their assigned responsibilities as SPHER International leaders.
  • Taking appropriate steps to protect the confidentiality of SPHER Members’ personal information.
  • Being a role model in matters of professional and ethical conduct to help create a respectful safe and broad culture of behaviour.
  • Make an honest, unbiased decisions, and disclose and act appropriately to prevent conflicts of Interest.
  • Mentor and train future human and environmental rights professionals and researchers, where appropriate, recognizing their importance to the future of the human and environmental rights profession.
  • SPHER International leaders must not be a part of any institutional body or group that does not follow international law for human rights and international environmental protection.