Our achievements

Our achievements

SPHER International activities derive from its objectives, which are based on UN human rights and environmental protection laws. These are inclusive of the Sustainable Development Goals as listed in UNDP. SPHER through its activities has already covered a number of those objectives. Our activities are as follows:

Peace initiatives and calls

To call for action, by liaising with international governmental and non-governmental organizations and local civilians in order to open dialogues as to the reasons for humanitarian and environmental crises, as well as promoting realistic solutions for addressing human rights and environmental abuses.

The organization, therefore, launched a number of peace initiatives for Syria between the opposition and the Syrian regime in 2014. To view the text of the initiatives, please refer to the organization’s publications page.

In 2018, the organization addressed the embassies of the GCC crisis countries to ease tensions between them, submitting a proposal to resolve the crisis before it became complicated, and became as contentious as the previous crises in the region in 1980, 1990, 2001, and 2011.

Interest in education

Education is one of the pillars of awareness of the importance of human rights and environmental protection, which can only be achieved through peace. In other hand peace is built only by the educated and aware population. Thus, SPHER International pays prominent attention to science and education. They are the priorities of SPHER activities. As a part of its interest in education, the organization has donated to some families in some Arab countries to pay for their children’s education. SPHER is also in the process of building its first school, which is going to be in Senegal. The school may not be directly funded by the organization, but the organization is the supervisor of contract and construction monitoring. However, the costs of building the school are provided by philanthropic donors to SPHER International. Accordingly, the school is called by the donor’s Name “Mohammed Bin Jasim Arabic-French School”.

Conferences and seminars

SPHER International has held a number of seminars. The first of these was a seminar on the tragedy of the Syrian immigrant. It concerned the Syrian crisis and Syrian immigrants, in Stockholm, Sweden, in October 2015. In May 2016, SPHER International held a seminar entitled “The Psychology of Happiness” in Cairo, Egypt. In October 2018, the organization held another symposium on self-development, entitled: Earth’s Chakras and Egypt’s Chakras” in Atliah AlQahera, Cairo, Egypt.

The organization also participated in several international conferences. The first was in October 2013, when SPHER participated in the annual Conference on Fundraising Strategy in Amsterdam: The International Fundraising Conference. In November 2014, the organization participated in the Conference of the Human Rights Council in Geneva – the Forum on Minority Issues, at its seventh session. SPHER presented a report on the environmental, humanitarian and human rights situation in Ahwaz, Iran, entitled: Protecting the Environment in the Face of Violence Against Minorities-Ahwaz Case Study. In October 2015, the organization participated in the International Conference on Human Dialogue – Geneva, with a working paper entitled: Human Rights and Media to Promote Human Dialogue. To see the full paper in Arabic please go to the publication page on the website.

In December 2015, SPHER International attended the thirty second Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva as an observer. The conference was entitled: The Force of Humanity, The Basic Principles of Action. SPHER registered to present an intervention entitled: Immigrants of Armed Conflict and Immigrants for a Better Life, are Equal in The Right to Immigration and Equal in The Horror of Drowning. In November 2018, SPHER participated in the fifteenth Arab International Conference on Mineral Resources, in Cairo. And presented a working paper entitled: The Future of Geothermal energy and Hydrogen energy in the Arab world. In October 2019, we participated in the conference “No to violence against women” in Cairo, organized by the Egyptian-German Center for Training and Consultancy, with a working paper entitled “Cold Violence Against Women”. November 2019, SPHER participated in the round table of the Federation of International Associations, Brussels, Belgium.

At present, the organization is preparing for two conferences; the first conference is “Political stability is a basic rule of human rights and environment protection”, and the second conference is “Is water a basic right or not?”.


Health is not only a fundamental human right, but it is a natural right. Although SPHER International does not play a direct role in health, it covers this aspect through its annual donations to the Heart-to-Heart Initiative. Heart to Heart undertakes fund raising yearly to carry out operations for children in Egypt. This role helped us achieve one of the fundamental human rights.


SPHER International has established awards that recognize people who protect, promote and\or practice human and environmental rights, as well as follow or promote political stability as a basic rule for the protection of human and environmental rights. SPHER established two awards: the first is the Exceptional Women’s Award, and the second is the Shield of Political Stability

As for the Political Stability Shield Award, it is a recognition award, granted to a leader or head of state who has had developed positive solutions during crises (political, economic, natural, etc.) in order to stabilize his homeland. The award is offered to one person annually, or can be shared by more than one person from the same state, if they have done joint work. However, the Award has not yet been presented.

The Exceptional Women’s Award is in recognition of women, especially women who overcome the barriers of primary needs- as explained in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. They used their knowledge, consciousness, awareness and intelligence, to defeat their barriers. Their effective way of overcoming primary needs issues, deserve recognition. Up to the present two ladies have received this award. The first was Haja Sisa, in May 2016. Haja Sisa was disguised as a man, and worked as a man for 43 years. This is in order to raise her only daughter after her husband’s death. In 2017, the award was presented to Mrs. Um Hassan (Latifa Yusuf al-Burshid). Um Hassan is a figure who emerged in Bahrain during the Arab Spring revolutions, which calmed students when teachers went on strike.

Training courses and workshops

SPHER International is preparing training courses on political stability, especially in the Arab countries. SPHER thinks that the Arab countries need it most. As in view of the recent history of the region, SPHER found out that at the beginning of each decade there is a new crisis; 1980 Iraqi-Iranian War, 1990 Invasion of Kuwait, 2001 11th September crisis, 2011 Arab Spring. By considering these crises, it has developed insights into their occurrence and causes. The affiliates to these workshops will learn to recognise the signs leading up to the next crisis, which we believe will take place in 2021. Also, they will learn how to anticipate political disasters, and thus take precautionary measures to contain and prepare for the crisis before it begins, thereby securing the political stability of the homelands.